Devlog 3 - Pickups
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀While playtesting the game many people recommended adding pickups to the game. There were two types of pickups
that immediately came to mind, those that act like coins giving points and those that give some sort of special ability
or change the character’s form. Adding the coin-like pickups was an easy yes to adding to the game since it already goes
along with all of the systems in the game and it enhances the risk and reward of the momentum mechanics in the game.
The only real struggle would be balancing the point values of the coins so that they reward the player appropriately
for the risk taken to get them.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Moving onto the powerup pickups. These are a lot more varied in their type and implementation based on the game.
In our game we had two ideas for powerups, a powerup that provides invulnerability for a short amount of time and a powerup
that provides a boost. The invulnerability proved to ruin the risk and reward for the game and make it so that the player
was able to turn their brain off in a way that hampered the fun of the game. Meanwhile the boost powerup proved to be a
solid addition that again added risk and reward to the game. Saving your boosts and using them tactically even added a
new movement technique to immediately turn your character around, which enables the player to overcome one of the
greatest restrictions in the character’s moveset.
Devlog 2 - Player Movement & Theme
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I decided that the best way to split up the different player states is in to a couple different
angles. I started with the middle angle being 5, as a guess of 10 angles being enough for the
player’s full range of movement. I took the angle range and split it up giving each one an x
and y velocity (which I derived from a unit circle). After some testing with this, it was clear that
I needed to remove angle 0 and angle 10, as this would make the player able to survive any
challenge and be able to move fully horizontally. After Implementing movement I then
attached a visual state to each of the angles and instantly had player “animations.” This was
gratifying that it was such an easy implementation for player visuals.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Speaking of visuals, we needed to decide on a theme for the game. Currently it just looks
like a paper plane in an abstract environment, but we need to make this game unique and
lovable. This is where we as a team brain-stormed and figured the best theme we could go for
is something to do with birds. We decided that the game would be about a baby bird falling
from a nest, this explains the ability to glide, but not being able to fly. This also would make it
so we could make the graphics cute and fun, or if we wanted to do we could make them dark
and grim. We ultimately decided on cute and fun as it goes with the arcade-y feel.
Devlog 1 - Level Generation
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I started to develop the game with platform generation. My past experience told me that
this would be harder and more important than figuring out the player movement. That may
seem strange to most as player movement is more crucial to the enjoyability of the game, but
this was mostly because I am familiar with player movement in all sorts of settings. I am,
however, not as familiar with level generation, especially semi-random generation.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I contemplated how I would go about generating platforms and started by generating
platforms of a fixed size every fraction of the screen on the y-axis. Then I implemented being
able to have them alternate based on if they are odd or even numbered. Then I randomized
the platform length within a set range, and bam platforms almost fully complete. I
preemptively added hit detection (I tested it with my mouse instead of a player character), and
called it a day on level generation.
Devlog 0 - Initial Concept
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Our team has spent this last week thinking of what sort of game we want to make, and
why it would be appealing to anyone. We thought back to what games we like and what would
be valuable to other people. After thinking back on tons of games we loved, we thought of the
arcade experience and how much fun being able to pick up and play that style of game is. We
wanted something fun and addictive, and so an arcade style game would be perfect. I
remembered a mini game that I had played over a decade ago called paper plane. It was part
of warioware on the gba. I knew this was a good starting place because it stuck out to me still
to this day.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀We wanted to take the fun elements from this, but change it so that it is its own whole new
experience. Our initial thoughts were on ways to add variety to the gameplay, but needing to
resist the urge to over complicate the gameplay loop. We decided to add a risk and reward
system that comes naturally from the way the player moves in the game. We developed the
concept of having momentum built into the game. You must manage this in order to keep
moving (and not crash and die). This would make the moment to moment gameplay have
more variety and create new and interesting scenarios. But in order to push this idea even
further we decided to add pickups that are often out of the way of the normal route the player
takes. This would make it so there is more reason to risk losing moment for a higher point